Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011


My love, I’m still here
In The land of million dreams
The land as tender as the clouds
The land so sweet
And delightful
The land where I long for you
In every breath I take
Every second
Every single time

My love, the land is very beautiful
Prosperous and fertile as a diamond mine
The citizens are friendly
And open-handed
They are so open-hearted
They all excite me and make me happy

My love, the land is safe and peaceful
Anybody must be feeling comfortable here
As comfortable as sittingon a sofa

My love, in my place
Houses are neatly built in rows
Children leave for schools
Parent working for decent income
Everybody lives healthily
Peacefully and harmoniously

My love, I just woke up
I was dreaming
I’m scared, it’s still dark here

My love,
Maybe I’ve been away from You lately
Abandoning the messages in Your early ‘Manuscripts’

My love, the road is indeed long and exhausting
But this must be the road to glory
At the end of this road
I am sure that there will be a bright light

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